Big Data


What is big data?

Big data has been around for some time but people still quite confuse about what exactly meaning of it. This concept includes artificial intelligence, data science and the Internet of Things which continually evolving and being reconsidered, because it is still the driving force behind many ongoing digital transformation waves. Big data describes the large volume of data including unstructured and structured which requires a different method to process and use for massive parallelism on readily-available hardware.

Industry analyst Doug Laney gave the definition of big data which is the three Vs: Volume, Velocity and Variety.


Organizations collect data from different sources like business transactions. Storing these data was a tough question in the past, however the new technologies can easily to gather data.


Data has changed rapidly at present, thus data need to deal with on time to avoid outmoded. RFID tags and smart metering are helping the data to deal with in near- real time.


There are numerous data dividend in structured like traditional database and unstructured like email, video etc.

How does Big Data work?


Big data sources is from three categories: Streaming data which reaches the IT systems, Social media data specially on marketing, sales and support functions and Publicly available sources. After identify all the sources of data, you need to make some decisions like store and manage data, which kind of data you would analyse and which would not, how to use your analyse to the strategy. Final step is research the technologies which would assist you to gather big data and do the analyse. You may consider the cost, speed and other factors.

The principle of big data works is the more you know the things or situations, the more reliable to get predict and decision-making. Comparing different data can help us to find out something was hidden which refer to a more wise decision. According to the new technology development, we can analyse more information which can not be found in the past.

Who uses big data?

There are many different industry will use big data. Banking, education, government, health care, manufacturing and retail will all use big data in their day-to-day work. Big data has permeate human’s life and take a significant position.


In conclusion, big data describe a large volume of data gathering from variety sources. Different industry can use big data to analyse and make a better decision. Along with the development of new technologies, big data will evolution and become more vital in human’s life.



Bernard Marr (2018). What Is Big Data? A Super Simple Explanation For Everyone. [Online] Available at: Big Data Analytics. [Image] Available at: Big Data & Analytics.[Image] Available at:

Ryan Kh (2018). 5 Innovative Ways Small Companies Can Collect Big Data. [Image] Available at: Big Data What it is and why it matters. [Online] Available at: Big Data. [Online] Available at:


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