Analyse E-CRM activities of Chinese Restaurant S2 in Hunan TV


Chinese Restaurant TV show is talk about five Chinese stars which is Zhao Wei, Su Qi, Su Youpeng, Bai Jugang and Wang Junkai open a Chinese Restaurant in France with the limit money. The TV show will shows their life in France and the challenge they met. After season one, Zhao Wei got experience to operate a restaurant. All they want is spread to more people about Chinese food.


According to the ratings, audience are really interested in this TV show. This TV show is very close to most people’s life. Audience watch the stars cook, clean the table and kitchen, serve the customer, wash dishes all day in the show. Audience feel everyone is the same at that time which will let audience to keep watch.


Chinese Restaurant can be seen on Hunan TV,, and every Friday night release(overseas release every Saturday 1am). After all day works, when you want to watch something to relax at Friday night or in weekend, Chinese Restaurant is suitable for you.

According to E-CRM (Customer Life Cycle) which include customer extension, customer selection, customer retention and customer acquisition. Chinese Restaurant attract customer not only the interesting of the show, but also the promotion of the show is great. This show has a weibo to update the news about the show and some news about the stars which is a significant way to attract and maintain the customer of the show. Meipai also updates titbits and promotion of the show. Besides that, the update on weibo and Meipai can also offset the time does not release the show. Moreover, Chinese Restaurant can attract different target of customer because the stars has represent different age group. Wang Junkai has represent the student just enter into the university, Bai Jugang has represent the young people, Shu Qi and Zhao Wei has represent the white-collar female and Su Youpeng has represent entrepreneur. Different people work together to operate a Chinese Restaurant, and they change chef every two days. It seems like everyone can found themselves in the show. Absolutely, people can learn how to cook Chinese food in the show.

Thus, the right person in the right show can attract more audiences.



Chaffey,D. Ellis-Chadwick, F.(2016) Digital Marketing 6th edition. Pearson 2016. p11

China Hunan TV Official Channel. Chinese Restaurant S2. [Image] Available at:

Chinese Restaurant (TV series). [Image] Available at:

[Image] Available at:

[Image] Available at:



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